I am reminded once again to enjoy the little things and let things go. This must be a lesson I desperately need to learn. I was reading some BLOGS I follow and found this post It is so beautifully written that I felt it was just better to share it with you than try to summerize.
Remember to be grateful for the imperfections in our lives and the things that don't always feel like blessings. That is the only way to truly enjoy life and if you aren't going to enjoy it, but worry about the next minute, what is the point. There is no blessing that comes from worry.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
What does my subconscious know?
Apparently, my subconscious has accepted things my conscious has not. My husband and son were leaving for Tae Kwon Do tonight. Right after heading out the door, my son comes running in yelling that Dad collapsed in the driveway. I very calmly said he what? "Dad collapsed in the driveway!" I walk -still calmly- out the front door and see the car with the open passenger door in the driveway, no husband visible. "Where?"
"Behind the car!"
I walk to the back and see nothing, keep -calmly- walking and see my husband on the ground next to the drivers door. I walk up and see he is conscious though obviously shaken. We begin to talk and I find out he slipped and fell on the ice. However he jammed his arm and really hit his shoulder hard. He is very much alive and will be fine.
Apparently at some level I have accepted that there will be a day he will collapse and it will not be this. It will be something serious medically. I know that because my thought walking to the car was very plainly "not yet, please". Also because I remained so calm. What was that about? I should have been running frantically out of the house. Don't misunderstand, I was very concerned and worried, just not panicked or frantic. I am pretty weirded out by this. Time to deal with stuff I don't want to I guess.
"Behind the car!"
I walk to the back and see nothing, keep -calmly- walking and see my husband on the ground next to the drivers door. I walk up and see he is conscious though obviously shaken. We begin to talk and I find out he slipped and fell on the ice. However he jammed his arm and really hit his shoulder hard. He is very much alive and will be fine.
Apparently at some level I have accepted that there will be a day he will collapse and it will not be this. It will be something serious medically. I know that because my thought walking to the car was very plainly "not yet, please". Also because I remained so calm. What was that about? I should have been running frantically out of the house. Don't misunderstand, I was very concerned and worried, just not panicked or frantic. I am pretty weirded out by this. Time to deal with stuff I don't want to I guess.
Awesome Cosmo Cricket Giveaway
There is some fantastic Cosmo Cricket being given away on this BLOG. Makes me drool, but be sure and leave a comment for your try at it as well.
Enjoy the other projects she has while you are there!
Enjoy the other projects she has while you are there!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
There is a GIVEAWAY!
and it is awesome! Lainey has a giveaway on her BLOG in addition to a bunch of fabulous gift ideas! Go check it out and sign up to win!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
You won't become successful by complaining that life is unfair. Certainly there are many injustices in the world, yet you won't get anywhere by using those injustices as excuses.
Your best response is to work over, under, around and through them. Accept the fact that life is unfair, and choose to experience outstanding success anyway.
It is admirable to fight against injustice. But fighting against injustice may very well make that injustice even stronger.
A better way to end injustice is to make it irrelevant. When you create ways for yourself and others to succeed in spite of unfair circumstances, then you render those circumstances powerless.
The world is filled with inequity and unfairness. And yet, there are always plenty of workable and creative ways to rise above those negative circumstances.
When something in life is unfair, choose to succeed anyway. And make that unfairness so small and insignificant it won't even matter.
-- Ralph Marston
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I so ROCK!
Yes, I am tooting my own horn! I have managed to teach myself to knit with two colors. This doesn't sound like much, but not only am I doing it, I am stranding with nice tension AND I am doing it without dropping colors in between. I am changing colors each stitch and it was making me NUTS. I can now knit English and Continental (don't ask me to remember which is which). I am carrying one color in my right hand and one color in my left. This is something I NEVER thought I would be able to do. I have attempted to knit carrying the yarn in my left multiple times and finally just gave up. I should have attempted two colors long ago. Pretty amazing what a high level of frustration can encourage a person to accomplish :)
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Day After
Thanksgiving it what I have been looking forward to. My plan has been to listen to Christmas music and start on my Christmas cookies. Each year I make a bunch. I don't eat a bunch, but do love making them. We make up cookie tins and plates to give to people for the holidays. Neighbors, co-workers, our mailman, etc. I start now and freeze them until we are ready to get them all put together.
Once again this year I am reminded that although the day is relaxing and enjoyable, it isn't quite like I imagine.
No music because my sister is asleep on the couch. The boys only want to 'taste test' rather than help (which is really fine with me because I enjoy baking and find it very soothing). I have down time waiting for dough to chill and I need to go to the store for more eggs.
That said, it is still a great day and MUCH better than going out in shopping in the chaotic mess I imagine there to be.
Once again this year I am reminded that although the day is relaxing and enjoyable, it isn't quite like I imagine.
No music because my sister is asleep on the couch. The boys only want to 'taste test' rather than help (which is really fine with me because I enjoy baking and find it very soothing). I have down time waiting for dough to chill and I need to go to the store for more eggs.
That said, it is still a great day and MUCH better than going out in shopping in the chaotic mess I imagine there to be.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Learning Gratitude
We all have challenges in life. Some we create and some that just are. When I am very, very fortunate, I learn from these challenges. I have realized that currently I need to learn something. I need to learn to be grateful for things I have, specifically the things I have that I do not want.
This may sound a bit strange and if you think in terms of 'things' it is. However, start to think about what you have outside of the things and you will find there is a lot that you may not want. That seems like necessities or trials. I am working to be grateful for these things. This is TOUGH! I am not successful at it by any means, but I really believe that if I can make progress in this area and keep it in mind as I go through each day I will be a more positive and happy person.
This may sound a bit strange and if you think in terms of 'things' it is. However, start to think about what you have outside of the things and you will find there is a lot that you may not want. That seems like necessities or trials. I am working to be grateful for these things. This is TOUGH! I am not successful at it by any means, but I really believe that if I can make progress in this area and keep it in mind as I go through each day I will be a more positive and happy person.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Mailing some love and comfort

This is for a very wonderful lady who has most certainly gone through some difficult times lately. One of them being the loss of her Mother. I hope she can feel the love we are sending to her.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Head on
Some days life just comes at you head on and there is no getting away from it. Today that is how my morning started. I had an eye dr. appt. I left there having ordered glasses with a prism for my double vision - "oh and while we are at it, I am going to add some prescription to help with reading and computer work so your eyes won't be so fatigued" Translated=you are getting old people eyes!!!!!
Oh well, guess it'll make my DH happy. He tells me he misses me in glasses since I had Lasik.
Oh well, guess it'll make my DH happy. He tells me he misses me in glasses since I had Lasik.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Comfort for a family

This family recently had a young son pass away after an extensive medical battle. I can not imagine the pain they must be experiencing, but hope to provide a small measure of comfort with this afghan from Heartmade Blessings.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Are we done yet?
So, I work in the financial industry. Needless to say, it has been a bit crazy lately. I do not see any indication of it slowing down anytime soon either. The part I am finding most interesting is that the investors I thought might be unflappable are starting to get worried. As I told my son, history is being made. This is nothing we have experienced before.
All that aside, I AM ready for it to be back to normal. Work isn't my favorite way to spend the day so I am glad that I don't hate my job. My job has changed somewhat in the last few weeks though. The endless questions that were never concerns for anyone the past ten years are just getting tiring. All the emails from different companies that are the mass release "feel good" letters. I'm not even reading them any longer.
Calgon, take me away!!!
All that aside, I AM ready for it to be back to normal. Work isn't my favorite way to spend the day so I am glad that I don't hate my job. My job has changed somewhat in the last few weeks though. The endless questions that were never concerns for anyone the past ten years are just getting tiring. All the emails from different companies that are the mass release "feel good" letters. I'm not even reading them any longer.
Calgon, take me away!!!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I have had the BEST day!
It is amazing how the little things really are what make or break a day. Today was a calm no pressure day. I didn't finish, but did get a good start on a project I have been wanting to do for some time. I got some cleaning done. The best is I got to spend some very interactive and enjoyable time with my boys. Now I am working on dinner.
Today was a FABULOUS day! One of those days that I feel like I did a good job as a Mom. Also, the house got some attention it has been needing.
The little things. I will take days like these whenever I can get them. And attempt to remember to enjoy every minute.
Today was a FABULOUS day! One of those days that I feel like I did a good job as a Mom. Also, the house got some attention it has been needing.
The little things. I will take days like these whenever I can get them. And attempt to remember to enjoy every minute.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Another Comfort Afghan

I am always amazed at the honor and privileged I feel to be able to assemble and send these comfortghans to those in need. This one is for the friend of a friend. I hope it brings comfort to both of them at the loss of a dear friend and sister.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Say Thank You

I am sending the card shown here to a care facility that cares for patients with Alzheimers. (the charm is silver and says thank you on it) This is such a thankless and important service. I was encouraged to do this by a challenge-with prizes- on Carolyn King's BLOG. Go check it out! You can read the details and see all the yummy give aways. She was inspired by the memory of her Grandmother. She has designed a stamp set, Whimsical Autumn, that is super cute. All of the proceeds from this set she is giving to the Alzhiemers Association.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
New Adventure
I have started on a new adventure. I have joined the ranks of ETSY shop owners.
Dream In Rainbows
I have a few things up and am working on more. I am very excited and really enjoying the items I have been creating. I figure the worst that happens is I have a great head start on gifts for family and friends. At best this is successful. Win/Win!
Dream In Rainbows
I have a few things up and am working on more. I am very excited and really enjoying the items I have been creating. I figure the worst that happens is I have a great head start on gifts for family and friends. At best this is successful. Win/Win!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Some more comfort being mailed

This comfort afghan was requested via our website for a young lady who has suffered some very difficult times recently. I certainly hope she feels the love we are sending and knows we care.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
In Honor of Princess Samuels

This OPH comfort afghan is being sent to the mother of Army Sgt. Princess C. Samuels (22). She was killed in the same attack that killed Army Spc. Zandra Walker who I posted about a few days ago.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Derek Redmond
Apparently, I am one of the few people in the world who has not heard this story. However, I just watched this commercial. It is one of the first commercials in some time to get to me, but it put a tear in my eye. For real. It is not the commercial, but the bravery and spirit of this man. If more of us could be like him, the world would be a much better place. Thank you Derek for your shining example.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How long?
The other night I was just thinking about being almost 40 (later this year) and how it is different than I thought it would be 20 or even 10 years ago. It is different in a good way. I am pretty happy with my life and where it is. I like being more comfortable in my own skin and having that get better year by year. I then started thinking about what the rest of my future holds and suddenly realized that it is 27 years until I retire. TWENTY SEVEN YEARS!!! 2-7 YEARS! That is almost 3/4 of how long I have lived so far. 27 years! SERIOUSLY!?!?! I don't think I can make it. I have now been rather fixated on that number for the last 3 days since I realized it and can not get it out of my head. 27 years.
Monday, August 11, 2008
In Honor of Zandra Walker

This OPH comfort afghan is being sent to the Mother of Army Spc. Zandra T. Walker. It was my honor to assemble the squares sent by so many people for Heartmade Blessings. Each one of them filled with so much love and care.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
In Honor of Marisol Heredia

This is being mailed to the Mother and Stepfather of Army Spc. Marisol Heredia (19)
May her Mother find peace in such a tragic situation. She was a beautiful young woman.
Mailing some love and comfort

This is for a young lady that had a terrible situation occur. In addition to other things, it caused her to lose her vision. The wonderful people of HMB came through on this and sent squares that contain so much texture and raised patterns. The picture does not begin to do justice to the beauty of this afghan. It is just radiating love. I hope it is a blessing to this precious girl.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In Honor of Michael Tayaotao

The first anniversary Marine Sgt. Michael E. Tayaotao's death is quickly approaching. The comfortghan here is being sent to his Father. I hope it helps him through this difficult time.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
In Honor of Tamara Archuleta

I was able to get this comfort afghan assembled to be sent to the mother of Air Force 1st Lt. Tamara Archuleta. May it assist in bringing comfort and peace.
Friday, July 11, 2008
In Honor of Douglas Dicenzo

This comfortghan is being sent to the parents of U.S. Army Captain Douglas A. Dicenzo. I am honored to have assembled and be able to send this one.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Mailing some love and comfort

I was able to mail out this comfort afghan to the Mother of a friend. Currently her Mom is dealing with some pretty scary and not so fun medical stuff. I do hope she finds some comfort knowing others are thinking of her!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
In Honor of Casey Casanova

I was watching NewsHour on PBS and at the end of each program they honor those that have given their lives in service and post the names. For some reason, Marine Lance Cpl. Casey L. Casanova's name caught my attention more than usual and I KNEW I had to find a way to get a comfortghan to her Mother. It became a personal mission to get the information needed to do so. I am very blessed to have great friends at HMB who were able to assist me in the process and never question why THIS one was so important. I am very honored to be mailing the comfort afghan pictured here to Casey's mother c/o her grandparents. Thank you to square donors and HMB for making this possible.
Friday, June 27, 2008
I have been tagged
I have been "tagged" by Debbie Hodge. First, I have to tell you a bit about Debbie. She is the author of the book I won called Get It Scrapped. I highly, highly recommend this book! It is NOT an organizational book. It is much different and helps you get all your pictures on pages and in albums. However, they are done with meaning! GREAT book! Debbie also has on-line classes you can take. More information and sample classes can be accessed via her web site.
Ten years ago.... I was pregnant with DS #2 and still not feeling so great. It was also only a couple of months after my Dad died AND I had started a new job. In fact, I think it was about this time that I told my new employer about being pregnant. I was also dealing with all the financial stuff in regards to my Dad's death. Wow, really glad all THAT stress is in the past!
Five things on my "to-do" list (only five?!?!?)
1-go to work
2-go to the bank
3-A-Stym appt for my knee
4-gym for physical therapy on my knee
5-per request from DS #2 - teach him to scrap
I enjoy....spending time with friends and family. I also really like that time in the morning when I am up before everyone else in the house wakes.
I have lived...for the last 13 years with the most wonderful man and husband a woman could want.
Now, I will tag
Now I should probably let them know :)
Ten years ago.... I was pregnant with DS #2 and still not feeling so great. It was also only a couple of months after my Dad died AND I had started a new job. In fact, I think it was about this time that I told my new employer about being pregnant. I was also dealing with all the financial stuff in regards to my Dad's death. Wow, really glad all THAT stress is in the past!
Five things on my "to-do" list (only five?!?!?)
1-go to work
2-go to the bank
3-A-Stym appt for my knee
4-gym for physical therapy on my knee
5-per request from DS #2 - teach him to scrap
I enjoy....spending time with friends and family. I also really like that time in the morning when I am up before everyone else in the house wakes.
I have lived...for the last 13 years with the most wonderful man and husband a woman could want.
Now, I will tag
Now I should probably let them know :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
200 cards

Have you ever wondered what 200 cards looks like? I KNEW you had :)
I decided to join in making some cards to send to soldiers to use. When I asked about inexpensive envelopes, my friend Kim volunteered to donate them. She brought over a couple of boxes and so I took it as a personal challenge to need them all. So, here are the 200 cards I made.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
In Honor of Steven J. Christofferson

This comfort afghan is being sent with much love and respect to the mother of Army Sgt. Steven J. Christofferson.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket or two
I have to share all the FANTASTIC stuff that has happened recently. Since May 31 this is the list:
paid off the mortgage -YES!!!
my DH gave me roses
won a Bind-It-All
won a copy of Get It Scrapped
won another contest that has a scrap kit as the prize
the books I wanted from the library came in and were held for me
it worked out to go to the Opened Caption showing of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
my youngest won an outstanding citizen of the year award at school
school is out for summer
and I know there is more that I haven't listed. I am in such a great place with all of this wonderful stuff happening that I just HAD to share!
paid off the mortgage -YES!!!
my DH gave me roses
won a Bind-It-All
won a copy of Get It Scrapped
won another contest that has a scrap kit as the prize
the books I wanted from the library came in and were held for me
it worked out to go to the Opened Caption showing of Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
my youngest won an outstanding citizen of the year award at school
school is out for summer
and I know there is more that I haven't listed. I am in such a great place with all of this wonderful stuff happening that I just HAD to share!
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
In the mail

This comfort afghan is being sent to a very dear lady and friend who is going through a couple of different surgeries right now. She is very loved and we wish her a speedy and easy recovery.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Because I need more to do
HA! HA!!!
Seriously, I have fallen in love with these bags! They are just beautiful and I want one!! I have a friend who is much better at sewing than I and she has agreed to help me undertake the task of attempting to make one. I have scrap denim in smaller pieces left from the quilts I make and I bought muslin for the backing the other day. At least, I think that is what I will need to sew the design on. If not, then I have some extra muslin!
I keep thinking about them and can not wait to make one of my own. I just hope I am not too disappointed with the outcome.
Seriously, I have fallen in love with these bags! They are just beautiful and I want one!! I have a friend who is much better at sewing than I and she has agreed to help me undertake the task of attempting to make one. I have scrap denim in smaller pieces left from the quilts I make and I bought muslin for the backing the other day. At least, I think that is what I will need to sew the design on. If not, then I have some extra muslin!
I keep thinking about them and can not wait to make one of my own. I just hope I am not too disappointed with the outcome.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
In Honor of Michael T. Lilly

This is for the mother of Sgt. Michael T. Lilly. Thank you again to all who send squares to be assembled and make it possible for HMB OPH to send these comfort afghans.
Friday, May 23, 2008
It is that time of year

School is almost out for the summer. I have been working on end of year thank you gifts for my youngest's teacher, SLP and interpreter. I decided to make these card sets for them and there was also a pattern for a matching tote. Each one is different, but here is one of the sets. I am pretty happy with the end result and hope they like them. Now, to determine what to do for the bus drivers. They are who I entrust his safety to every morning and afternoon. They desire a big thank you as well for doing such a great job.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Recently mailed

My DH had a co-worker pass away recently. This comfort afghan was sent to his wife. I hope it brings peace during this difficult time for her.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Spring Fever

I've got it! I want to be outside enjoying the nice weather. It makes me crazy not to be and the days seem so long! At least the boys will be out of school for the summer in a few weeks so we can start to do some fun things!!!
I have been busy with multiple projects lately, but one of the things I have done is make some cards. I have been playing with different techniques and supplies. LOTS of fun! The dresses on these women are all paper pieced. It really created a lot more visual interest, but they were very detailed to cut out.
Monday, May 05, 2008
It is Monday
And do I know it! Actually, it wasn't super bad, I am just frustrated. I continue to end up in situations at work where my plans get messed up because someone else isn't doing what is needed for me to be able to finish my work. My day off tomorrow? Not happening. Why? There is a presentation out of town on Friday that needs to be ready to go. It is not ready to send to print because some decisions -that I don't make- still have to be make. I can not finish my work on it until they are. Consequently, I have to go in tomorrow and HOPE the decisions get made so I can finish and send it to print.
The worst part, we have two meetings next week (Thurs and Fri) that are going to end up in the exact same situation because I know there will be complete refusal to work on them (or even look at them) until Monday. I do not operate on last minute at work well. I hate it in fact.
Now, I will admit that my job has a pretty nice schedule and they are very accommodating. However, I signed up with the understanding that I work 4 days a week. If you want me to attend the meetings at the end, then the work preparing for them has to be done so I can have a day off in the beginning of the week. Just they way the calendar works. I know that the presentation work isn't not getting done with any intention of me not getting a day off, it is just how it is happening. However, there also isn't any thought given to me getting the day of either. So not intentionally malicious, but not courteous either.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Feel a bit better for venting, but not as much as if it all wasn't happening OR if I thought it would stop happening.
The worst part, we have two meetings next week (Thurs and Fri) that are going to end up in the exact same situation because I know there will be complete refusal to work on them (or even look at them) until Monday. I do not operate on last minute at work well. I hate it in fact.
Now, I will admit that my job has a pretty nice schedule and they are very accommodating. However, I signed up with the understanding that I work 4 days a week. If you want me to attend the meetings at the end, then the work preparing for them has to be done so I can have a day off in the beginning of the week. Just they way the calendar works. I know that the presentation work isn't not getting done with any intention of me not getting a day off, it is just how it is happening. However, there also isn't any thought given to me getting the day of either. So not intentionally malicious, but not courteous either.
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Feel a bit better for venting, but not as much as if it all wasn't happening OR if I thought it would stop happening.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Quilts away

I have finished making and am mailing off a couple of quilts for TLC for Angels. I really enjoy making these. My sewing skills are basic and my machine is not fancy, but more than sufficient to make the baby quilts I do.
It is hard to see, but the all flannel one has the cutest little dragons on the front print.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
In Honor of Stuart A. Wolfer

This is being mailed out on Monday to the widow and children of Major Stuart A. Wolfer. It has been my honor and privilege to be able to assemble all these squares from different donors to express our love and concern for his family.
Here is an article from our local paper.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I'm a homebody
It has taken me a while to admit it, but I am truly a homebody. I would love to just hang out here most of the day and putter around. Do projects on or for the house. I love to get my flower beds looking as I want -it is a lot of work though! Right now with Spring around the corner they are just calling to me to to be worked on. I think that is a lot of why I don't want to go to work. There are things I WANT to do here as opposed to things I am SUPPOSED to do there. KWIM?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mailing another comfortghan

This is going to a wonderful lady who's Mother recently passed away. I hope this helps to comfort her during what must be a very painful time. Thank you so much for all the wonderful and talented people that make and send squares for me to assemble into these expressions of love and concern. It could not be done with out all of your help.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Not my favorite day
So, I have never been a big April Fools Day fan. I always thought it was a bit mean spirited. However, I like it even less now. Now it has very little to do with the "holiday" and more to do with it being the day my Dad passed away. I am having a hard time believing that it was 10 years ago. 10 years~! It really seems like just yesterday in so many ways.
This entire week is just a tough one as his birthday is April 3. I just do my best anymore to ignore what the days represent and not to talk about it with my family. I just don't have the energy to commiserate and/or get them through it. I really thought it would get easier with time, but it hasn't. Just different.
This entire week is just a tough one as his birthday is April 3. I just do my best anymore to ignore what the days represent and not to talk about it with my family. I just don't have the energy to commiserate and/or get them through it. I really thought it would get easier with time, but it hasn't. Just different.
Monday, March 31, 2008
You have got to be kidding!
So, the neighborhood boy that comes over every evening to see if my youngest son can play is here. One of the first things he does -after asking if they can play videos games - is proceed to announce that he has pink eye. LOVELY!!! Highly contagious and they are playing with and touching all sorts of toys. I would NEVER EVER send my kids out with pink eye. ACK!!!
Hope all the things they use can go through the dishwasher, because if not, they are going in the garbage!!
Hope all the things they use can go through the dishwasher, because if not, they are going in the garbage!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
End of Spring Break
Spring Break is coming to an end. Today is it. The boys go back to school tomorrow and I return to work. I had most of Spring Break off work with them. It was WONDERFUL! I am dreading the return to the routine. I like the company of my kiddos and finding activities to do with them. I would like to have done more, but with the oldest being 14 it wasn't always cool to do the things I thought of or he was in the company of friends which hindered it some. Just part of the equation now though.
I hope that summer starts to work out better. The last 2 have been ok, but I really didn't feel like we got the fun time I was wanting with them. Looking forward to finding out if we can schedule better this year!!
I hope that summer starts to work out better. The last 2 have been ok, but I really didn't feel like we got the fun time I was wanting with them. Looking forward to finding out if we can schedule better this year!!
spring break
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Some days
are just that way.
So, mine was ok. Not great, not terrible. Then I came home......
Had an electrician here to install a GFI in the kitchen - we didn't have one, not real safe. Had him do some looking around while he was here because of some concerns I had. So, $63 dollars later I need to replace two light fixtures that have surged or run so hot that the wires in the fixture are burned. Need to check all the attic wiring and at minimum replace what runs from those fixtures to the junction box. Ok, we'll be safer, right?
Next, as I am trying to get dinner on the table my boss calls. He has a $90 bill from Qwest for 2 months of website hosting service that they (not Qwest but another company) are saying I authorized. Now, I clearly remember in Jan. talking with someone who wanted to send information to review and multiple times they assured me that nothing would be activated or charged unless we called to authorize it. I said, sure send it, we would be interested. Well, they have ME on tape with that part, but nothing about having to authorize it before it starts and are claiming I did! Guess what, after I fight with them more tomorrow I figure I get to write my boss a $90 check and possibly another $45 if they have some 30 day cancellation thing. I can't expect him to pay if I am the one that got scammed, but I am NOT happy.
THEN----in the process of cleaning up from dinner -BIG thanks to my DH for doing the cleanup- we find that if we turn on the garbage disposal it trips the GFI. Oh, not good. Well, guess we put it on the list with the light fixtures. Even worse, same thing with the dishwasher. Guess it happens sooner rather than later. Like maybe tomorrow? This is not going to be cheap and looks like the can of worms is open. Now, time to squish them all!!
ARGH! This stuff all STRESSES ME OUT!!!
So, mine was ok. Not great, not terrible. Then I came home......
Had an electrician here to install a GFI in the kitchen - we didn't have one, not real safe. Had him do some looking around while he was here because of some concerns I had. So, $63 dollars later I need to replace two light fixtures that have surged or run so hot that the wires in the fixture are burned. Need to check all the attic wiring and at minimum replace what runs from those fixtures to the junction box. Ok, we'll be safer, right?
Next, as I am trying to get dinner on the table my boss calls. He has a $90 bill from Qwest for 2 months of website hosting service that they (not Qwest but another company) are saying I authorized. Now, I clearly remember in Jan. talking with someone who wanted to send information to review and multiple times they assured me that nothing would be activated or charged unless we called to authorize it. I said, sure send it, we would be interested. Well, they have ME on tape with that part, but nothing about having to authorize it before it starts and are claiming I did! Guess what, after I fight with them more tomorrow I figure I get to write my boss a $90 check and possibly another $45 if they have some 30 day cancellation thing. I can't expect him to pay if I am the one that got scammed, but I am NOT happy.
THEN----in the process of cleaning up from dinner -BIG thanks to my DH for doing the cleanup- we find that if we turn on the garbage disposal it trips the GFI. Oh, not good. Well, guess we put it on the list with the light fixtures. Even worse, same thing with the dishwasher. Guess it happens sooner rather than later. Like maybe tomorrow? This is not going to be cheap and looks like the can of worms is open. Now, time to squish them all!!
ARGH! This stuff all STRESSES ME OUT!!!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Comfortghan completed

and ready to mail to a gentleman who had his Mother pass away recently. I hope this helps him through what must be a very difficult time. Thank you so much to all who donated squares.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Sunshine Therapy
Yesterday the sun was shining, the temperature was moderate and the wind wasn't too strong. I put on my sweatshirt and ear covering headband thingy and went to clean up the flower beds. Oh the sun was WONDERFUL!!! I got a lot of work done, but there is much more to do. However, the therapy a bit of sunshine provides is truly amazing. Once I get out there, I could stay for hours. Sometimes it takes hours to get out there, but if the weather is right I love every second of it.
My teenage son joined me yesterday. Not because he wanted to, but I asked him to (in that you don't have a choice Mom voice ;) ). He was a bit of help and great company. I like that he was able to breathe a bit of fresh air at the same time. He was a bit amazed at the amount of work required and at how much was still left to be done. Yes, beautiful flowers grow naturally, just not at my house without a lot of work. However, the weeds and grass in the flowerbeds do FANTASTIC! LOL!
My teenage son joined me yesterday. Not because he wanted to, but I asked him to (in that you don't have a choice Mom voice ;) ). He was a bit of help and great company. I like that he was able to breathe a bit of fresh air at the same time. He was a bit amazed at the amount of work required and at how much was still left to be done. Yes, beautiful flowers grow naturally, just not at my house without a lot of work. However, the weeds and grass in the flowerbeds do FANTASTIC! LOL!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
For a Friend

This comfort afghan is being sent to the mother of a dear friend. Her mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I wish them both all of the best during this difficult time.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Calling in to work
Can I call in uninterested? How about just an I don't want to work today day? I know it wouldn't fly, but I really do understand why they say so many people lie and call in sick when they aren't. Sometimes, more than others, a person just really doesn't want to go. I am mentally stomping my feet and throwing a big ol' temper tantrum. Of course, my clothes are all out and the shower is warming up so obviously I am going. I just plain don't want to. I know I can't be the only one with days like this........................
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!
The prelude to mine, wasn't as uneventful as I would have liked. DH called me from a basketball game and asked me to get a bucket of ice water ready and see if I could get some crutches rented from the pharmacy. When he got home, his ankle looked like this only even more swollen. After a few minutes in the ice water his foot started to swell and I told him we were headed to the ER. He didn't put up much of fight so anyone who knows my DH realizes he was in a LOT of pain.
After several hours, the end result is a really bad sprain with follow up in a week'ish to be certain there isn't a stress fracture or ligament damage. Everyone, including the nurse, was surprised that the x-rays didn't show a break.
After we got home, about midnight, I was turning off lights and closing up the house for the night. I came into the bedroom and there was a Valentine's card waiting for me on my pillow. Despite what we had just been through, he surprised me with the card. He typically hides them someplace for me to find in the morning, but decided that he might have a hard time accomplishing that this year :) I think I'll keep him.
After several hours, the end result is a really bad sprain with follow up in a week'ish to be certain there isn't a stress fracture or ligament damage. Everyone, including the nurse, was surprised that the x-rays didn't show a break.
After we got home, about midnight, I was turning off lights and closing up the house for the night. I came into the bedroom and there was a Valentine's card waiting for me on my pillow. Despite what we had just been through, he surprised me with the card. He typically hides them someplace for me to find in the morning, but decided that he might have a hard time accomplishing that this year :) I think I'll keep him.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Significant moment - ?
I was with my teenage son the other night at a department store. I witnessed his debate about which of two items he was going to purchase since he could only afford one. After much debate and walking around the store with both in his hand he decided on the one I would not have guessed. The Sports Illus. Swimsuit Calendar won out over the video game. Guess this is one of those growing up moments? It was a bit tough on Mom regardless :)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
New Year - Yadda, yadda
You are getting short and sweet from me. I have given it a lot of thought the last couple of days and decided that my plans for the new year really need to include revisiting/reviving a previous one. I am going to attempt to do at least one (and preferably three) things each day that I have been procrastinating. This post is today's :).
The other thing I would like to do is start a "thankful journal". I want to take the time each and every week to list 5-10 things I am thankful for. I hope it will serve as a reminder of how blessed my life truly is. Sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day and forget how awesome the big picture is!
The other thing I would like to do is start a "thankful journal". I want to take the time each and every week to list 5-10 things I am thankful for. I hope it will serve as a reminder of how blessed my life truly is. Sometimes it is so easy to get wrapped up in the day to day and forget how awesome the big picture is!
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