Friday, October 01, 2010

31 Days of Halloween - Day 1

Welcome!!! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Edgar Allen Crow. I will be your host for the 31 Days of Halloween here on Alex's blog. Now, occasionally, we might ask her for some details, but it will be primarily my job to share her creations and the 'how-to' details. I know you are going to just LOVE what she has in store.

For Day 1, I am pleased to show you the card Alex made for the Fairy Knoll Challenge #18 "Haunting Halloween".  She used the image Halloween Cupcake Fairy.  Now I realize some of you are saying "how is THIS haunting".  Have you ever eaten a cupcake with a spider as big as you are?  I f not haunting, then certainly intimidating!

Alex has told me that the final design on this card was one of those happy accidents you crafters claim to have.  When putting the card together, she almost put the image on upside down after placing the ribbon, but not the bow.  She decided she liked it, put it down and added the bow at an angle instead of straight on and here you are!  Just for good measure, there are stickles on the spider body, cupcake frosting and Fairy's wings. On an educational note, Alex's young nephew has informed me that a spider with one less leg (thanks to the nephew BTW) is still considered an arachnid even though it no longer has 8 legs. 

Now, I will leave you with the song that Alex has been singing the first couple lines to for the last several weeks ever since she began planning for this 31 Days of Halloween event. It has been making me a bit crazy, but perhaps you will like it. Enjoy!

Happy Halloween!


Anita Bownds said...

awesome card,love the colours...

Unknown said...

Hi Alex fantastic your card is great I just adore Edgar Allen Crow can't wait till I see hiom again on day 2
Luv Jane xxx

Audrey Ernst (hippieaud) said...

AWESOME job on this Alex! LOVE all the sparkle. Did you make Edgar Allen Crow?!?

Kelli Green aka Cajunstampingqueen said...

It was very lovely to meet you Edgar, I am hoping to become great friends with you!!! Could you please let Alex know that I totally love her card and think it is awesome!!! C-YA tomorrow!

Unknown said...

Great card!! I love the host, so cool!
Shelley :)

DonnaMundinger said...

Too cute! I wanna take a big bite! xxD

Alison said...

Pleasure to meet you, Edgar!You will be a fine host, I am sure! Please tell Alex that I think her Stickle-ishious card is great, no matter how many legs the spider has!

Sugar said...

omg Alison.. you are so awesome! Love Edgar!

Great card too lol

Sugar said...

omfg I have no idea why I called you alison.. sorry! I'm going insane already!

SuzieQ said...

LOL am loving the Edgar idea;) Hi Edgar! Tell Alex you rock and her card does too!

Daniella said...

You are demented!! and that is why I {heart} you so much!
Edgar is insanely awesome, and your card, the best!!!

Tori said...

aw, I like edgar! cute card too! I love the sparklies!!

:) tOri

Unknown said...

Edgar Allen Crow is so cute. And a seven legged spider, great card.

Stitchinwitch said...

Love the image, anything with spiders and cupcakes is cool (although perhaps not live spider cupcakes eeeuuww)

Croms' Cubby Hole said...

Love Edgar. I thought that was your project at first.. then read further on down. Love the way that card turned out.... even if thingsweren't like that in your head - your hands knew what they were doing!!

Kym said...

Love Mr. Crow! Awesome card too!Can't wait to see what you'll do next!

C. Sage Deerborn said...

That is one big spider. Great card.

ldfdesign said...

love the card and all the shinyness. i have that same ribbon! great job

Steph said...

LOL, love the card and Mr Crow! And I learned info so I wont offend the next 7 legged spider I run into :)

KC said...

Edgar Crow! I love it! and I love this card! I can't wait to see what you share with me tomorrow!