So, life has a way of sneaking up on a person when they aren't watching. I dealt with some things yesterday that I fully expected to have to face at some point in my life. Did I expect them yesterday? Heck no!!! These are issues that come with age. When did I get old? I don't mean great grandparent old. I don't mean can't do anything old. I just mean basic life issues and health issues old. I see people my age and think, wow, I don't look that old (meaning no longer 24). I probably do, but the person I see in the mirror doesn't. Where does the time go? I need to learn to slow down and enjoy more of it and stop being so wrapped up in the "have to" and relish the "want to".
I am going to share an exercise I am doing if you want to join me. You have to actually write down the answers, not just think about it :).
1. You go see the Dr. and he says you have one year to live. List 10 things you do in the next year.
2. You go see the Dr. and he says you have one month to live. List the 10 things you do in the next month.
3. You go see the Dr. and he says you have one week to live. List the 10 things you do in the next week.
4. Great news, you see the Dr. and you are fine. What 25 things do you want to do during the rest of your life?
Then, take those lists and turn them into goals with dates and specific ideas of how to achieve them. I have been promised that this exercise will lead you to a more rich and fulfilling life. I can see how that would work.
Remember, no one ever is on their death bed complaining that they should have spent more time at work ;).