Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Katrina-help for those in need
Feeling useless and like you need to do something to help those who's lives have been forever changed due to the effects of Katrina? What is the BEST thing you can do? Send money. Seriously. I know that people want to gather together the needed items and send them, but truly, the best way to get this accomplished is to donate funds. Don't have any, but have extra blankets and clothes? Hold a yard sale and send the earnings. Where to donate? There are many reputable organizations, but please be sure your money will get where you want it to get. Some you might want to check out are : LDS Humanitarian Services, America's Second Harvest, The American Red Cross, or anyplace you prefer. The listing at NPR also has organizations that need volunteers if that is something you are able and inclined to do.
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
As I see the images on the news I am heartbroken at the destruction I see. Those who have suffered please know you are in my heart and prayers. Please stay safe and know that there are many who care about you and the safety of your loved ones.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Stitches from the Heart

The local chapter of Stitches from the Heart met today for brunch and we all brought our completed items for mailing. These women are AWESOME! I am so glad to have the opportunity to associate with them. This is all that were able to make the brunch (minus me since I am behind the camera). Look at how many items were collected!! The small batch is what I was able to contribute this cycle and is included in the complete picture.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
A Girl Can Dream
You all have GOT to check out this room!! WOW!! First, I must say that the sheer volume has me impressed. Next, the organization is awesome. Normally I would wonder with that much stuff how anyone could possibly use it. The way she has it all set up though and I can see it is possible to do so.
I have been busily working away on baby/preemie items. My local group of Stitches for the Heart has a brunch on Saturday and it is the time to take completed items. My thinking is that anything I finish is that much less yarn I have sitting around not doing anyone else any good. Baby caps crochet up very quickly so I have been able to get quite a few done in addition to some sweater sets and a few booties. I'll get a picture of everything before I hand it in :).
I am also actively debating my decision to take the ASL 3 class. I think the teacher is going to be fantastic and that I stand to actually learn a lot about the language. However, in order to attempt to make it fun, this class will involve a lot of games and performance type situations. Now, I have no problem with being in front of the class or any other group. I also have no problem using the language and learning. The problem is that if you say "Act out three things you do every day" my brain will totally FREEZE and I will have that deer in the headlights look and not be able to come up with one single thing. See my problem? That is the type of thing this entire semester (and probably most of next semester as well) consists of. And I pay money for the privilege!!!
I have been busily working away on baby/preemie items. My local group of Stitches for the Heart has a brunch on Saturday and it is the time to take completed items. My thinking is that anything I finish is that much less yarn I have sitting around not doing anyone else any good. Baby caps crochet up very quickly so I have been able to get quite a few done in addition to some sweater sets and a few booties. I'll get a picture of everything before I hand it in :).
I am also actively debating my decision to take the ASL 3 class. I think the teacher is going to be fantastic and that I stand to actually learn a lot about the language. However, in order to attempt to make it fun, this class will involve a lot of games and performance type situations. Now, I have no problem with being in front of the class or any other group. I also have no problem using the language and learning. The problem is that if you say "Act out three things you do every day" my brain will totally FREEZE and I will have that deer in the headlights look and not be able to come up with one single thing. See my problem? That is the type of thing this entire semester (and probably most of next semester as well) consists of. And I pay money for the privilege!!!
Monday, August 22, 2005
One More Week
My kids start back to school in one week! The summer has gone by so fast. We have done many fun things, but not near as many as I would have liked. I hope the nice weather holds for a bit longer so that perhaps we can fill the weekends with activities!
As for me, I start school tomorrow night!!! YIPES! I have heard that this instructor is really hard. Now, that is both good and bad. I want someone who is going to really force me to learn the language (American Sign Language) in more depth and require that I communicate properly with regards to grammar, etc. I mean, that is why I am taking these courses, especially at level 3. However, the perfectionist in me is very nervous. I am very grade driven and will be working like crazy to try and get an "A", but if it is tough, then it is tough.
As for me, I start school tomorrow night!!! YIPES! I have heard that this instructor is really hard. Now, that is both good and bad. I want someone who is going to really force me to learn the language (American Sign Language) in more depth and require that I communicate properly with regards to grammar, etc. I mean, that is why I am taking these courses, especially at level 3. However, the perfectionist in me is very nervous. I am very grade driven and will be working like crazy to try and get an "A", but if it is tough, then it is tough.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Army Pfc. Isaiah R. Hunt

This was made in honor of Army Pfc. Isaiah R. Hunt and has been mailed to his mother.
A great big THANK YOU to those that make and contribute squares to this project. We would not be able to succeed without your contribution.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
I have been "tagged" by Sherri. Now, this is interesting and has given me cause to think (not always a good thing!!).
id*i*o*syn*cra*sy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Write down 5 of your own idiosyncrasies, then if you wish, tag 5 people.
1. Rude people really irritate me. I don't even mean flat out blatantly rude, but the people who think nothing of jumping in line in front of someone or cut people off on the road. WAIT YOUR TURN!!!
2. I tend to wipe down my kitchen counters an excessive amount. Now, to me it is not excessive, but it is more than many people I know. If there is water from doing dishes, wipe it down, crumbs from making sandwiches, wipe it down, etc. Tiny bits that many brush off require a full wipe down for me. Not just the area, get the whole counter, I have the soapy cloth out anyway, right?
3. Since learning to crochet, and now knit as well, I am unable to watch television without something for my hands to be doing. I find myself restless and unable to focus on the program I am watching.
4. I can not fall asleep without reading in bed, even for just a short period of time. It doesn't matter if it is 2 am when I get home, I still must read in bed.
5. I bake when I am bored, frustrated, angry, just about anything, but ALWAYS when I am bored. I may or may not even eat any of it. It is not uncommon for me to bake batches of cookies and not eat a one.
So, do these qualify? Yes, no, maybe? I hate to think what else I may have come up with if more were needed. In all fairness, #1 is probably a personality trait rather than an idiosyncrasy, but it does make me crazy!!!
So now, tag to Jessica, Knitboy, Allison @ Simply Socks (who are having a HUGE sale on sock yarn!!) , Goldi, and Jabber.
Let's see how it goes :).
id*i*o*syn*cra*sy - a structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group. Write down 5 of your own idiosyncrasies, then if you wish, tag 5 people.
1. Rude people really irritate me. I don't even mean flat out blatantly rude, but the people who think nothing of jumping in line in front of someone or cut people off on the road. WAIT YOUR TURN!!!
2. I tend to wipe down my kitchen counters an excessive amount. Now, to me it is not excessive, but it is more than many people I know. If there is water from doing dishes, wipe it down, crumbs from making sandwiches, wipe it down, etc. Tiny bits that many brush off require a full wipe down for me. Not just the area, get the whole counter, I have the soapy cloth out anyway, right?
3. Since learning to crochet, and now knit as well, I am unable to watch television without something for my hands to be doing. I find myself restless and unable to focus on the program I am watching.
4. I can not fall asleep without reading in bed, even for just a short period of time. It doesn't matter if it is 2 am when I get home, I still must read in bed.
5. I bake when I am bored, frustrated, angry, just about anything, but ALWAYS when I am bored. I may or may not even eat any of it. It is not uncommon for me to bake batches of cookies and not eat a one.
So, do these qualify? Yes, no, maybe? I hate to think what else I may have come up with if more were needed. In all fairness, #1 is probably a personality trait rather than an idiosyncrasy, but it does make me crazy!!!
So now, tag to Jessica, Knitboy, Allison @ Simply Socks (who are having a HUGE sale on sock yarn!!) , Goldi, and Jabber.
Let's see how it goes :).
She's Here!!!
My niece arrived yesterday evening. Sorry, no pictures at this time :(. However, her arrival is so exciting!! Everyone is doing well and healthy. She weighed in at 8 lbs 4 oz. Great job everyone. Now bring her here for me to hold!!!!!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Idaho Scrappers

Last night was the Anniversary crop for Idaho Scrappers. This was their 5th anniversary. I have only been part of this group since April, but they are so wonderful. They are warm, welcoming and extremely talented ladies. Thank you to Cindy for starting this group and thank you to ALL of them for being who they are and allowing me to share their company.
As promised, I am posting pictures of some of the cards I made to include in the gift exchange. Let me just say that the gifts were fantastic, each and every one of them. It was pretty obvious that many, ok most, did not adhere to the $7 - 15 guidelines :). I worked very hard to stay within that and now feel a bit guilty that the recipient of mine may have been a bit short changed. Now I know for next year!!
Friday, August 12, 2005
New toy

I have a new toy. I love it! Since Brandt is Deaf there was absolutely no way I could not purchase this die cut. I have so many uses for it. I got it from The Memory Zone. They were wonderful to work with. If you have any interest in purchasing one, please contact them. You can also find it on EBay for a lot more than you will pay at The Memory Zone, but hey, it is your choice.
I wanted to send my sister some of the cut out versions for her use, but figured she needed them in a baggy in the card so she would have a clue as to what they were. I bet just having all these little shapes show up would be pretty confusing. Using the pop dots under the fingers and adding the flower is optional. The details show up just fine flat as well as when three dimensional. It certainly is fun to play with and I have so many ideas running around my head!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2005

I have completed the altered comp book and journal jar I was making for the my contribution to the charity crop. The Idaho Scrappers group has a charity crop and auction each November to raise money for a worthy cause. We vote each year, prior to the event, on the recipient of the funds. I have been working on this for several weeks and am happy with the completed project. The colors are so much nicer than I am able to share with you. (good digital camera for Christmas please Santa :)) The flowers on the book and jar are ones from my garden that I pressed. I hope someone likes it enough to purchase it.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Finish Fever

It is a very nice feeling to get several "in the works" projects completed. I also finished knitting a pair of gloves for the Native American Support Group. They were a fun experiment in sideways knitting as each glove was done in one piece. The picture is one sewn up and one not. They look kind of silly before they are sewn :). The pattern can be found here. Wouldn't these be fun with each finger a different color?
I am participating in a gift exchange with my local scrapbook group this Saturday. The exchange rules are a gift of $7 - 15 and something handmade then wrap and do not tell which one you bring. I have completed the shopping and the creating. I can't post a picture because it is a secret, LOL, but have taken one and will post after Saturday. This was fun to make, but the shopping is really hard without knowing who the recipient will be since we all have different tastes and different supplies we already own. Having not been part of the group last year to help me know what is expected, I do so hope it is ok.
Monday, August 08, 2005

WHEW!!! I have completed making the gift for my brother and SIL before my niece is born. Now I just have to get it in the mail!! This jacket is approx. a 12-18 month size and I am sending it in addition to the dress and bonnet I made. I sure hope they like it.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Friday, August 05, 2005
What's for dinner?
Have you ever tried a new recipe and everyone loved it, but when you went to make it again couldn't find it? Is there a solution to this problem? Do I really have to recopy every recipe my family likes into my personal recipe card box or book? There must be a better way. Any ideas?
I lucked out this time and since I originally found it on All Recipes a search of the site with key words found the it much faster than I expected. So, next week on the menu is Honey Almond Chicken. Serve with some couscous and fresh green beans from the garden and enjoy :).
I lucked out this time and since I originally found it on All Recipes a search of the site with key words found the it much faster than I expected. So, next week on the menu is Honey Almond Chicken. Serve with some couscous and fresh green beans from the garden and enjoy :).
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Vacation was wonderful! It was probably the most relaxing one I have been on with my family. Often times they really are a lot of extra work even when they are fun. This one wasn't. It was so nice.
The Hogle Zoo currently has a butterfly exhibit that is AWESOME! They get the chrysalis shipped in and then have them in a "hatching area". When we were there we saw a newly emerged butterfly drying his wings. They receive many varieties of butterflies and then they are flying loose all around you in a wonderful garden setting. It is breathtaking and if you get the change, GO!
The Hogle Zoo currently has a butterfly exhibit that is AWESOME! They get the chrysalis shipped in and then have them in a "hatching area". When we were there we saw a newly emerged butterfly drying his wings. They receive many varieties of butterflies and then they are flying loose all around you in a wonderful garden setting. It is breathtaking and if you get the change, GO!
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